February Monthly Memo

Happy February!

Earlier this week our SDA Team came together to use knowledge, creativity, and passion to come up with new ways to make SDA’s mission and values come to life. I never cease to be amazed and honored to work with such an incredible group of women. We continue to learn and grow together to bring our dancers the greatest, holistic dance experience.

Self Care

Our mission at SDA is Empowering Students and Community Through Dance and this month our focus is on Empowering through Self Care! Take an active role in nurturing your own wellbeing and happiness! A bubble bath, curling up with a good book, taking a dance class, lunch with a friend... everyone has different ways to nurture themselves. Watch for our Self Care worksheet this month. Have your dancer complete the worksheet and bring it to the office for a chance to pick a prize out of our treasure box!

Recital Season is in Full Swing!

Recital preparation is in full swing! We’ve had a busy January in the SDA office. Almost all of our costumes have now been ordered. We've even had a few classes already try on their costumes and get to take them home! Though many costumes aren’t scheduled to be shipped until March and April.

Our open enrollment period has come to an end so our focus can be on preparing for Recital Day. Be sure you have June 15th saved on your calendar and block off the week of 10th-14th for dress rehearsals. Rehearsals always start after 4:00pm, since many schools will still be in session.

We ask that all of our students make attendance a priority to allow them to feel confident and capable come recital day. Working as a team with their classmates, good attendance is also important for the entire class.

Additionally we ask that you hold off on family vacations that would impact your dancer’s class in May and June (through Recital Day). We appreciate your best efforts to help make the recital a huge success for all our dancers!

Spirit Week: February 19th-24th

The week of February 19th-24th show that SPIRIT! Wear your SDA apparel to dance class. All SDA apparel is 25% off, during Sprit Week only 💜

Annual Spring Fundraiser: April 13th

Supporting our community has always been a high priority for me, both personally and as a business owner.  Watch for information coming up about our Annual Spring Fundraiser, supporting Hair Aid USA and in the meantime, save the date for Saturday, April 13th. We’re putting together an incredible show!

All my best,
Liana MacFarlane


Annual Spring Fundraiser


Fairy Dance Camp