Studio Policy
Monthly Tuition
Monthly tuition is paid to keep a student's spot in the class. It is the same each month and is not dependent on how many classes are attended that month. Tuition does not change because of holidays, studio closures, snow days, or recital photo days, rehearsals, or performances. So tuition is the same no matter how many weeks of classes there are in the month.
All tuition is billed by auto-draft on the 1st of each month. Failed charges have 7 days to settle the bill and get your account updated with correct billing information, or a $15 late fee will be applied to your account.
If tuition payments fail for the 3rd month in a row, an automatic $15 fee will be applied to your account and continued to be applied for each month thereafter that tuition fails.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Happiness Guarantee
For dance families new to SDA, if you decide our studio isn’t the right fit for you after attending the first day of class, you get 100% of your first month’s tuition payment refunded to you. If you would like to discontinue at any time during the rest of your first month of classes (4 consecutive weeks), you will get any unused tuition refunded to you.
During the Summer term, the Happiness Guarantee is only applied to the first class.
Conditions for refunds:
Class must be attended on your first scheduled class.
Refunds are for full withdrawals from SDA. Refunds are only given for a complete withdrawal, not a transfer of class or style.
Any other purchases made during the month outside of tuition, such as apparel, are not refundable.
The Happiness Guarantee is only for families brand new to SDA.
Inclusive Tuition
During the Dance Season your monthly tuition payment includes more than just tuition. We took many of the other expenses you incur over the term and spread them out over the course of 10 months. Inclusive tuition includes, per class: one recital costume, one recital ticket, one photo session with Liana Robin Photography, and other surprises along the way.
Inclusions are forfeited if you drop a class mid term and those inclusions have not yet been received.
If you are joining SDA after September, you will be charged a ‘catch up on inclusions fee’ at a rate of $16-$22/month based on the program of your class. This applies only to performing classes. There is no catch up fee for tech classes.
Billing Questions
If you have any questions regarding tuition or anything financial, please address those questions to Office Staff, as to allow the instructors to focus on teaching.
Tuition refunds are not given if you miss a class or drop part way through a month. See Enrollment Procedures.
Tuition is not prorated for partial months, missed classes, vacations, or overlapping classes. Tuition does not change because of holidays, studio closures, snow days, or recital photo days, rehearsals, or performances.
Enrollment Procedures
Priority Registration Week
All of our currently enrolled dancers get Priority Registration for 1 week before our general public enrollment period.
Changes to Enrollment
If you wish to make changes to the class in which you’re enrolled, simply let us know. Changes are easy to make! Once the Dance Season begins, changes will be limited to the Open Enrollment Period and availibility (see below).
Open Enrollment Period During the Dance Season
Once the Dance Season has begun, open enrollment periods for new students and class changes are September-October & January. We want to give all of our currently enrolled students the greatest care focus in their dance progression, and that means limiting enrollment periods for new students coming in.
When a student joins a performance class in October or during our 2nd Open Enrollment period in January, there will be an additional ‘catch up on inclusions’ fee. You will be expected to cover the inclusions for each month you were not paying tuition.
Ending Enrollment
If you ever need to end enrollment, the Parent/Guardian must simply fill out this Ending Enrollment Form. All requests to end enrollment must be received by the last day of the month in order to avoid charges for the next month. Change requests received on or after the first day of the month will still be charged for the current month. Tuition is not refunded or credited. Please do not rely on your student to verbally let us know that they will no longer be attending classes. If a student stops coming to class without notification, then the student will be dropped from class and no longer billed after 5 consecutive unexcused absences. The spot will be offered to another student.
Makeup Policy
Makeup tokens
Makeup tokens are used to attend another class in the case where you miss your regularly scheduled class. You are able to use a maximum of 4 makeup tokens per class during the Dance Season.
Using your makeup token
To use your makeup token, you may request a makeup lesson in a different class on the schedule that matches the students age and level ability. It does not have to be a class in the same style or the same instructor. Makeup lessons must be used within 30 days of the missed class and must be in the same term as the class missed. Makeup lessons are forfeited if more than 30 days has passed from the original class missed. There are no refunds or credits given for missed class.
You must be enrolled in current classes at SDA to use your makeup tokens.
Blackout months for makeups in performing classes
There are no makeup lessons allowed in performing classes during the month of December and May 15th through Recital Day in June, as these classes will be focused on their performance Choreography.
Student Expectations
Consistent attendance is important, not only for the student’s growth as a dancer, but for the strength and unity of the entire class. If you are going to miss a class, please email the office at
Arriving Late
If you are over 10 minutes late to class, the instructor may ask the dancer to skip the class and schedule a makeup lesson. Safety is a top priority and missing warmups could lead to injury.
Choreography Probation
During the Dance Season (especially January through June) we ask that all of our students make attendance a priority to allow them to feel confident and capable come recital day.
If your dancer misses three or more classes between March and June or two or more classes in a row, they will be put on choreography probation. We will connect you with your dancer’s instructor to find resolution. This may include being removed from sections of choreography or paying an additional fee for private lessons with your instructor to get caught up.
Additionally we ask that you hold off on family vacations that would impact your dancer’s class in May and June (through Recital Day). We appreciate your best efforts to help make the recital a huge success for all our dancers!
Arrival & Pickup
Be sure your dancer arrives on time for their scheduled class time. Please pick up your dancer on time. Call the office immediately at 503-625-8868 if you know you will be late picking up your dancer. Instruct your dancer to wait inside the building until they see you, if you are picking up downstairs. During peak times the parking lot is crowded. SDA instructors/staff are not responsible for students before/after their scheduled class time.
What to Wear
Each style of dance has its own dress code found here. Some instructors may have specific requests for their class(es). For any class: no bra tops
All dancers are to treat their classmates, instructors, and parents with respect. We do not allow behavior that is continuously counter to a productive educational space. We have zero tolerance for bullying and violence. Failure to behave appropriately will result in removal from class. There will be no refunds given for classes where student is removed due to behavior.
Class time is focus time
All dancers should use the restroom before class to try and avoid needing a break during the middle of class. Cell phones should be put away on silent for the entirety of class.
Cell phones
No cell phones should be visible while in the classroom. If a dancer has a cell phone with them it should be inside a bag/purse and on silent mode.
Inclement Weather (or unforeseen events)
Cancelling classes due to inclement weather (or unforeseen events)
SDA follows the Sherwood School District (in Washington County) weather related closures. If SSD is closed due to weather, so are we. If SSD has a late start due to weather, studio classes starting before 12pm will be cancelled.
Closures could also happen because of other unforeseen events, such as wildfires and power outages that make holding class at the studio impossible or unsafe.
You will be contacted by email if class is cancelled.
If class is cancelled
The first time in the Dance Season (Sept-June) that class can’t happen in person due to inclement weather or other unforeseen event, then class is cancelled. Tuition is not prorated or credited for this cancellation.
Makeup Tokens for Additional Closures
If there are additional days of inclement weather or other unforeseen events for a class, then everyone in class will receive a makeup token. Makeup tokens are used to attend another class. To use your token, you may request a makeup lesson in a different class on the schedule that matches the students age and level ability. It does not have to be a class in the same style or the same instructor.
Emergency Services
If a dancer sustains an injury
If during the course of your dancer’s class, should they become ill or sustain an injury, the studio will obtain emergency medical/dental care when necessary. If you do not wish emergency services for your dancer, you must remain at the studio (or on the grounds of the Sherwood Ice Arena) during the entirety of their class and be available immediately by cell phone.
Photo & Video
Photographic and Video Policy
Sherwood Dance Academy and it's sister company, Liana Robin Photography, have photographic rights, and throughout your dancer’s enrollment photos and/or films may be taken and used for display, publicity purposes, the SDA or LRP website, SDA’s or LRP’s social media accounts, and/or reference on iClassPro (your SDA portal).
‘No Share’ requests will be honored
Requests made to the office to not have your dancer posted on social media will be honored. Please email to make your request.
Photo Day with Liana Robin Photography
One photo day with Liana Robin Photography will be given to each class (excluding tech classes). Photos will be taken during class once the recital costumes arrive for the entire class. This day is a part of your inclusive tuition, so there is not additional charge to participate in this day and receive your photos. If you choose not to or are unable to participate in your photo day, there are no refunds or credits given. If you are unable to attend your photo day, you can attend one of two makeup photo session days scheduled by SDA.