That’s a Wrap!
We had such successful, beautiful Winter Showcases this year. All of us at SDA are incredibly proud of our dancers. Their strength, grace, bravery, and artistry shone on stage! I was told by the staff at the Sherwood Center for the Arts that they were amazed at how kind, joyful, and respectful my people (all of you!) are. Yes! I agree, completely 💜
Read on to find out how much our Showcases raised…
Your Generosity
The final haul of food 💜
Food Donations
I was told on Saturday, by Gerry Edy from Helping Hands of Sherwood, that our Winter Showcases are the source of their biggest donation of food each year. Because of everyone's generosity this year, we were able to raise a record amount of food. Gerry is grateful and thanks you all!
Cash Donations
Sunday morning I sat down to count the cash. Separated the bills… counted and bound the stacks… took out my calculator to add everything up. As I saw the number climb, I was swept up in emotion and the final number brought tears. Smashing our previous record of $5500, we raised nearly $7300 for our Rose Scholarship Fund. Not only is our fund secured for the entire 2024 year, but we can now offer even more kiddos a scholarship. Imagine the joy when we get to tell another family that we can offer them a scholarship 💜
I am grateful to be sharing the experience of donating & fundraising with our dancers, showing them from a young age that they can make a positive change in the community.
SDA is now closed for the rest of 2023. We will return on Tuesday, January 2nd, primed with costume and recital information. All enrollments continue through June 2024, when we have our Recital on June 15th. No need to do anything unless you want to make a change in your enrollment!
Happy Holidays! We’ll see you in the new year 💜
All my best,
Liana MacFarlane