April Monthly Memo

What a beautiful kick off to Spring! It's like the world is waking up from a long nap and everything's bursting with life again. You can feel it in the air—the excitement, the promise of new beginnings. The flowers start blooming, the birds are chirping like there's no tomorrow, the air is getting warmer… and suddenly, you just can't help but fall in love with everything around you.

With the beginning of Spring, we have 2.5 months until Recital Day. Recital times have been posted! You can find them on our Recital 2024 page (password is in the email linking you to this blog post).

Our mission at SDA is Empowering Students and Community Through Dance and this month our focus is on Challenging Negativity! Negative thoughts happen to everyone. But we have power over our thoughts and the way we react to them. It’s like have a secret superpower!

Watch for our Challenging Negativity worksheet this month. Have your dancer complete the worksheet and bring it to the office for a chance to pick a prize out of our treasure box!

Spring Fundraiser & Silent Auction: April 13th, 6:30pm
We have our Spring Fundraiser & Silent Auction coming up on Saturday, April 13th at 6:30pm at Newberg High School. Tickets are for sale in the SDA office! You can read more about the event here.

Crazy Hair Week: April 22nd-27th
It's time to pull out the curling iron, hair ties, and hairspray. This week let's see what fun crazy silly things you can do with your hair

All my best,
Liana MacFarlane


May Monthly Memo


Summer Princess Camp