The Spirit of Giving

It’s a State of Mind

The spirit of giving is a concept that goes beyond simply giving to others. It's a state of mind that encompasses generosity, empathy, and selflessness. When we give, we open our hearts and minds to the needs and struggles of others. We recognize that our actions have the power to make a positive impact on someone else's life, even if it's in a small way.

At SDA we find community service and giving back particularly important because in a world where there is often so much focus on material possessions and individual success, the spirit of giving reminds us that we are all connected.

How We Give

Clothing Drive

During the month of February, we hosted a clothing drive for Family Promise of Tualatin Valley (FPTV), a non-profit serving homeless children and their families. They were seeking children’s clothing, from infant to teen. FPTV often has guests arrive in their shelter with only the clothes they are wearing and they need clothing ASAP.  Your donations help to solve this problem! We were floored by the amount of clothing you donated, as was FPTV.

Spring Fundraiser

On March 11th we hosted a fundraiser and silent auction to help local SHS student (and SDA alum!), Mallory Gillum, with the funds to get an epilepsy alert dog. This dog will be trained to know Mallory’s chemical changes that occur in her body before she has a seizure, and be able to make her aware that she is going to seize soon. This alert gives Mallory the opportunity to get to a safe location, make those around her aware, and call for help if she needs.

We were thrilled to have raised over $4000 to give to Mallory for her pup. And even more thrilled when we found out that Erin Schweitzer, our guest speaker at the show, has donated the remaining funds needed and Mallory is getting her dog! A huge thanks to everyone who donated, attended, coordinated, performed, and volunteered to make this show happen. You are all a part of what makes our community strong!

Together We Can

In these acts of giving, we’ve covered three of our studio values! Compassion & Kindness, Daily Gratitude, and Community Service. Ultimately, the spirit of giving is about creating a better world for everyone, one act of kindness at a time. It's about recognizing that we are all part of a larger community, and that our actions can have a ripple effect that reaches far beyond ourselves. So let us embrace the spirit of giving, and let our actions be guided by generosity, empathy, and selflessness.

All my best,
Liana MacFarlane
Owner & Director


April Movie Night!


March Monthly Memo