Sherwood Dance Diary
Your go-to place for updates, events and insights.
That’s a Wrap!
Smashing previous donation records, our Winter Showcases were a huge success!
December Monthly Memo
December’s Monthly Memo includes information about our Monthly Empowerment Theme, our continuing dance season, save the date for our Winter Showcase “dress rehearsals”, and more!
It’s Dress Up Week!
This Week is Dress Up Week! No classes on Halloween Day. And dancers have one more week to fill out the Goal Setting Worksheet to join the drawing for a FREE SDA t-shirt.
October Monthly Memo
Happy October! This Monthly Memo includes information about our Monthly Theme, how to come to class prepared, Dress Up Week, and our Halloween day closure.
Acts of Kindness
Reposted… When I receive this kindness, I am much more likely to want to share kindness with others. It’s a gift that keeps spreading. But where does it start? Someone has to instigate that kindness. So let that be us!