Sherwood Dance Diary

Your go-to place for updates, events and insights.

Liana Liana

Summer Monthly Memo

Information about our Summer Showcase, Exploration Camp, the 2023-24 Dance Season, and new changes.

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Liana Liana

June Monthly Memo

The June Monthly Memo includes final recital reminders, photo information, and our Weekend Away drawing at the end of June.

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Liana Liana

May Monthly Memo

Can you believe we’re just 7 weeks away from Recital Day?! That means there is a lot going on this month, so please read carefully through all the information and make sure you’re up to date with recital information.

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Liana Liana

The Spirit of Giving

The spirit of giving is a concept that goes beyond simply giving to others. It's a state of mind that encompasses generosity, empathy, and selflessness. When we give, we open our hearts and minds to the needs and struggles of others…

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Liana Liana

Spring Fundraiser

Supporting our community has always been a high priority for me, both personally and as a business owner. It’s also one of the values that I see the community of Sherwood also holds dear. Our community rallies when someone is in need. This year we are supporting Mallory, an SHS student with epilepsy.

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Liana Liana

February Movie Night!

Saturday, February 25th at 5pm is February Movie Night! We’ll be playing Inside Out to celebrate Self Care Month at SDA.

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Liana Liana

February Clothing Drive

At SDA we believe strongly in giving back and helping our community. Community Service is one of the 5 values symbolized by our star. So this month we are excited to announce will have a clothing drive for Family Promise of Tualatin Valley (FPTV), a non-profit serving homeless children and their families.

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