Sherwood Dance Diary
Your go-to place for updates, events and insights.
July Monthly Memo
The July Monthly Memo has details about our monthly empowerment theme (this month is practicing gratitude!), the upcoming princess camp, and our Summer Showcase next month.
May Monthly Memo
This Monthly Memo includes information about recital (recital tickets are for sale soon!), our monthly empowerment theme, and the upcoming calendar.
Disney Dance Camp
Want to book a spring break activity? Click here to learn more about our Disney Dance Camp happening on Monday, March 25th!
March Monthly Memo
Our March newsletter with information about our monthly empowerment theme, our upcoming community fundraiser, and a special shout-out to one of our own.
Exploration Dance Camp 2024
Come explore dance with us at our 2024 Exploration Dance Camp, June 24th-28th!
February Monthly Memo
Information about our monthly empowerment theme: self care, costume and recital details, and some extra special ‘save the dates’.
January Monthly Memo
Happy New Year! This memo has information about our recital season, our empowerment theme this month, stuffed friend week, and our new neighbors at SDA.